High Protein Trail Mix

May 8th 2021

disclosure: contains nuts, seeds


If you’re anything like me, and like to pack light for a day hike, then loading up and weighing down with tons of snacks isn’t ideal. Tempting as it may be to grab a premixed bag at your local grocer and hit the trails, it’s good to keep in mind that (tasty as they can be), those quick bags might not be as good for you as you may think.

Roasted sunflower seeds, pistachios

Roasted sunflower seeds, pistachios


One nutritional goodie I like to add is fat. Nuts and seeds are crucial to a well-balanced diet. They produce some of the healthiest fats we can eat, containing omega 6 & 3, protein, vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and vitamin E.

So today, I’m sharing with you my favorite homemade trail mix that keeps me pushing forward on that trial.

1/2 cup dry-roasted sunflower seeds

1/4 cup pistachios

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup dried cranberries (optional)

1/2 cup granola (I prefer honey-roasted.)

1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional)


Most premixed trail mixes are rather unhealthy. Some may even be packing up to a whopping 20 g of sugar.

Day hiking can be an easy trek, or the most adventurous, but you will still need to keep those energy levels in top shape in either case. Dehydration and hunger can lead to numerous injuries, and for an unpleasant hike.

Complex carbs are your friends. They offer a high protein, high energy fuel source to push through that first hour. Complex carbs contain longer chains of sugar molecules than simple carbs; taking longer to break down, and provide more lasting energy. I recommend oatmeal with sliced banana.

Simple carbs have their place though. They are usually something quick to eat and taste good. Your fruits will have the most sugar, so be careful when adding these with a complex carb. These simple carbs are good for short bursts of energy. Personally, I will pack a chopped red apple, a sliced orange, and some sliced watermelon.

Dark chocolate granola, roasted pumpkin seeds, roasted sunflower seeds.

Dark chocolate granola, roasted pumpkin seeds, roasted sunflower seeds.